about outstaffer

Find & hire staff compliantly across APAC

Outstaffer makes it simple to build offshore teams to reduce costs, speed up hiring, and secure better-quality talent while ensuring control over your operations and IP.  

Reason For Existing

#TalentFromAnywhere + #HireFromEverywhere =

There is a global talent crunch, acute in developed countries.  By 2030, demand for skilled workers will outstrip supply resulting in a global shortage of more than 80 million people.

For Australia, it’s a challenge of epic proportions that has resulted in a talent deficit of more than 450,000 skilled workers. By 2030 this deficit will rise to over 2 million.

The United States faces one of the most alarming talent crunches of any country. US job vacancies hit a record high of 11.5 million in 2022. With the majority of Baby Boomers moving out of the US workforce by 2030, labour force participation is forecasted to fall to 60%, the lowest in history.

Yet, there are talented people everywhere, particularly across the APAC region, but companies are restricted on who they can hire by borders or middlemen (outsourcers). However, what if:


What if you could build a bridge
between companies and the world’s top talent?


What if you could find and hire talent no matter their location?


What if you didn't have to deal with middlemen (like Outsources or agencies)?


What if by doing so, everyone, everywhere, has the chance to live long and prosper?


What if we if we build a more equal world?

These “WHAT IFs...?” created

Year 2020

The year it all clicked

100% bootstrapped, with no sales teams and no marketing. How does a fledgling company from the Yarra Valley region in Australia (one of the world's best wine-growing regions and where our founder lives and works from home) best compete with global enterprise SaaS giants?

First, we decided not to follow Ray Kinsella’s advice “If you build it, they will come” (from Field of Dreams). Instead, we stopped looking at what everyone else was doing and focused on our vision for the future of work.

Year 2021

The year of lockdowns

We learned from the pandemic and the world’s longest COVID-19 lockdown (yes - we were locked down for 262 days!) We learnt that some things change forever… But some stay the same. As businesses raced to remote and hybrid work and faced ever-increasing talent shortages, Outstaffer became more and more a no-brainer.

Expanding to the Philippines and the USA, we focused on how we could make it easier for companies to find, hire, equip and pay talented workers from around the world. After landing some big enterprise customers in the USA that shared our vision, we knew our strategy and business model were sound.

Year 2022

Making a global impact

By solving these issues, we quickly realized we could not only help thousands of businesses around the world, but we could open the best jobs to everyone, no matter where they lived. Meaning more companies could find, hire and equip top talent, and more people could get career opportunities to work with top companies.

After helping 58 companies find, hire and equip over 250 people across 6 countries, it was time to use what we learnt to build a single global employment platform to scale and eliminate hiring borders and middlemen once and for all!

Year 2023

We’re officially shooting stars

Yes, we love the song Shooting Stars by Bag Raiders.

More importantly, we’re attacking on of the biggest problems in the world - automated borderless hiring, equipping and paying global talent at scale with technology. Our oversubscribed Seed round (featuring leading VCs and investors in Australia) proved that we’re onto something huge.


Outstaffer is trusted by companies and distributed teams across the APAC region

Outstaffer is a SaaS-based platform that enables companies of all sizes to access the diverse talent pool across the APAC region. Our platform makes it simple to build offshore teams to reduce costs, speed up hiring, and secure better-quality talent while ensuring control over your operations and IP.

The Outstaffer Platform solves the complexities of employing offshore staff across APAC with no compliance risk, enabling companies to find and hire top talent in Australia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Vietnam, make locally compliant payroll, offer great employee benefits, and equip staff with the equipment and tools they need to work productively, safely and securely from anywhere.

Our Product

The future of work is here.
An Automated SaaS Global Workforce Platform.

The Outstaffer Platform makes it simple to find, hire, equip, and pay offshore staff compliantly across APAC.

Find top talent across APAC

With top recruitment teams and in-country experts, we make it amazingly simple to find and recruit top talent in Australia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Recruit both permanent and contingent staff across APAC to fit any budget.

Hire across APAC compliantly

Quickly hire and onboard employees compliantly in Australia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Vietnam without setting up a legal entity abroad using streamlined localised hiring workflows and offering a fantastic onboarding experience every time.

Equip your staff across APAC

Choose secure business Windows or MacOS laptops & accessories and deploy them in Australia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Vietnam in a few clicks. Keep your staff productive and working with fully managed devices backed by 24/7 support.

Pay staff across APAC

Ensure compliant, timely payroll in Australia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Vietnam. We manage payroll, compliance, and statutory benefits and handle all local currency disbursements to your staff, letting you focus on core business.

Our Investors

We’re backed by leading investors and VCs who believe in our mission

The Outstaffer Mission

Learn about our Vision and Mission for the Future of Work

Our vision is to enable every business to #HireFromEverywhere and every person on the planet to #WorkFromAnywhere.

Our mission is to enable companies to overcome the limits of their local talent pool. We do this by building software that makes it amazingly simple to find, hire, equip and pay #StaffFromAnywhere compliantly.

Covered countries
to find & hire offshore staff
Customers around
the world
Employees across
4 continents
Talent profiles with info
from 45 tech platforms
why outstaffer

Our Core Values

Our core values are deeply ingrained principles that guide our actions and culture

Users Rule

We puts the user first, prioritizing their needs and experiences in all aspects of Outstaffer operations.


We take end-to-end accountability for seeing our work through and delivering on our commitments.


Excellence is in our DNA. We value craftsmanship and are dedicated to consistently produce great work


Scaleups are tumultuous places and the ambitious nature of our goals may lead to occasional failure. We view setbacks as opportunities to hone our skills and grow stronger.

Continuous Improvement

We are dedicated to continual learning and advancement, welcoming change and embracing innovation to remain at the forefront of progress.


We value honesty and openness, nurturing a culture of trust and accountability both internally and externally

Resources to get you into an Outstaffer mindset

Our blog is a great place to get some of the web's leading source material on borderless hiring and remote working